"God Almighty. Nevyansk. Nevyansk school of icon painting."
High Resolution Images: fragments.
Russia. Ural. Nevyansk. 18th century. About 1800.
Size:22.5 x 19.5 cm.
Technique & Material: Solid board, gold leaf, egg tempera, drying oil.
Description: Condition : The highest level of painting. Cutting - gold. Bright, clean and rich color palette.
On the fields lie ahead saints: St. Feodor Stratilat - the Warrior and St. Miriam.
Perfect state of preservation.
Provenance: Private collection.
Please ask for more information about the icon and it's provenance.
Price: EUR 2500.-
Господь Вседержитель. Невьянск. Невьянская школа.
Россия. Урал. Невьянск. 18 век. Около 1800.
Размер: 22.5 x 19.5 cm.
Доска цельная , сусальное золото , яичная темпера , олифа.
Высокое качество: фрагменты.
Цена: EUR 2500.-