"Deesis: Christ Emmanuel, Archangel Michael and Saint Gabriel"
High Resolution Images: fragments.
Late 17th century. Around 1700. Moscow Kremlin. Icon-painting workshop of the Armory Chamber. The capital school of the Tsar's icon painters.
Size: 26 x 21.2 cm.
Technique & Material: Solid wooden board, gesso ground, egg tempera, gold leaf and melted gold, drying oil.
Description: The true center of Moscow art in the 17th-18th centuries was the icon-painting workshop of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. The Armory Chamber was also a repository of state valuables.
This Deesis demonstrates the stylistic features and artistic techniques of the workshop of the Tsar's court icon painters who created orders for the first Tsars of the Romanov dynasty - Mikhail Fedorovich, Aleksey Mikhailovich and Fedor Alekseevich. Also, icons were creating for the Supreme Patriarchs of the Orthodox Church and rulers of foreign states. The workshop was headed by Semyon Fedorovich Ushakov. He was brilliant icon painter, author of theological works, thinker, teacher, founder of the Armory style.
These three icons are unique icons of the highest artistic level and form Deesis.
These three icons form a rare, and probably completely unique iconographic composition. If the classic ordinary Deesis is an image of an adult Christ in the Center and John the Apostle and the Mother of God on the sides of the icon of Christ. These are shoulder-length images. Here we see images of the young child Christ Emmanuel in the center and Archangels Michael and Gabriel on the sides of the icon of Emmanuel. In addition, these are shoulder-length images, where the faces occupy the entire plane of the icon.
The icon is not only of outstanding, first-class painting, but also very rich. Gold is used abundantly here. On the halos -gold leaf polished with agate stone, and clothing trims and patterns on clothing - masterpiece miniature painting.
Ideal state of preservation.
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Price: upon request
"Деисус: Спас Эммануил с архангелами Михаилом и Гавриилом."
Конец XVII века. Около 1700 года. Московский Кремль. Иконописная мастерская Оружейной палаты. Столичная школа царских иконописцев.
Размер: 26 x 21,2 см.
Цельная деревянная доска, левкас, яичная темпера, листовое и топленое золото, олифа.
High Resolution Images: fragments.
Цена: по запросу