"Saint George the Victorious."
High Resolution Images: fragments.
Second half of the 18th century.
Technique & Material: Wood, brass, thick silver plated. Frame with figuratively stylized chasing and engraving. Saints on the margins.
Description: Crucifixion:
The large patriarchal crucifix is cut into a wooden board.
This icon is a classic example of Old Believer piety. The crucifix was especially revered by the Old Believers.
Among the icons that were predominantly in use among the Old Believers, cult works combining elements of painting and copper sculpture were widespread.
Such art acquired special significance in Siberia and the Urals in the 18th-19th centuries. Cast bronze icons were repeatedly banned by decrees of the new authorities and the Orthodox Church. Despite the existence and spread of copper casting among the Orthodox population, the Old Believers remained the main bearers of a whole layer of culture in the form of combined works. Stavroteka is a phenomenon of the Old Believer cross.
The word "inset" has two meanings. In one case, it is the name of the technique when a Crucifixion carefully cut out of an old icon is transferred to a new base, or the entire old icon is inset into a new board for preservation purposes. And among the Old Believers, insets are icons into which copper folding icons, crosses or plates (icons) are inserted. Such insets unmistakably indicate that the icon is Old Believer. This icon is a classic technique of Stavroteka. Saro-Rite inset icons were called stavroteka. Stavroteka (from the Greek staurotheke: stauros - "cross" and "theke" - "storage") is usually called the "Ark for the Cross" (less often - a reliquary), when made in the form of a casket for storing particles of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord ("Saint Cross" or "Honest Tree").
Church craftsmen, following the ancient tradition, made stavroteks from valuable or strong wood species, covered with gold or gilded silver on the outside and inside and decorated with precious stones. In addition to particles of the Cross of the Lord, other holy relics were kept in them. They tried to make stavroteks very beautiful as a sign of respect for the shrine.
Very rare icon. Perfect condition.
Detailed provenance, art analysis and conclusions of the commission of experts-restorers upon request.
Price: 3000 EUR.-
Икона Ставротека - Распятие.
Вторая половина XVIII в.
Дерево, латунь, толстое посеребрение. Рама с образно стилизованной чеканкой и гравировкой. Святые на полях.
High Resolution Images: fragments.
Цена: 3000 EUR.-