Glossary of icon terms
There are 16 entries in this glossary.
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Definition |
Faces painting
(knows as „Lichnoe pismo“ in icon-painting) - images receptions faces, hands and other exposed parts of the body.
Final highlights

(knows as “ozhivki”) Bleach highlights, laid on top of ohrenie(multi-layered application of tempera paints) in a personal letter. May take the form of smears, spots, lines, etc
Fryazhskoe” iconpainting, fryaz (from old Russian language - "fryazhsky" is Italian, "fryazi" – are the Italians, from the Greek. φραγκος - Franc) - the name of the icon painting style , different by external credibility in the transfer of the material world. Fryazhskaya manner of icon painting appears in Russia in the second half of the XVII century under the influence of the Western art.